Cascadia Coastal Coalition
Emergency Communications
Amateur radio has a place in P.A.C.E. planning. The P.A.C.E. process is about mitigating risk by developing contingicies during the planning process (ideally, identified in an Operational Emergency Plan). If the Primary Plan doesn’t work, use the Alternate Plan. If the Alternate doesn’t work, use the Contingency Plan. If that fails, then accomplish the goal with the Emergency Plan.
Go Box #1 Prototype
Cascadia Coastal Coalition's Go Box #1 Prototype: UHF/ VHF amateur radio; general coverage receiver (public service & air); digital capable (C4FM); Winlink-VARA FM; and multiple options for power (AC, Solar, DC).Go Box #1
Go Box #1 is capable of operating off of the grid and is suitable for use during an inital response. This unit is available for training and demonstrations.Go Box #1
Go Box #1 being used by the Central Oregon Coast Amateur Radio Club at a training session.Go Box #2 Prototype
Cascadia Coastal Coalition's Go Box #2 Prototype: HF and UHF/ VHF amateur radio; general coverage receiver (public service & air); digital capable (C4FM); Winlink (both VARA HF and VARA FM).Go Box #2
Go Box #2 includes a radio, power supply, antenna, and 'Shack in a Box' radio. This station is capable of world-wide communications both digital (has a built in sound card) and analog.Go Box #2
Go Box #2 Prototype uses a High Frequency (HF) Radio to pass information around the world.Free Starter Radio
Cascadia Coastal Coalition is also offering a FREE starter ham radio to newly licensed ham operators while the supply lasts. Please Email for details.
Supported by grants from the Western Lane Community Foundation